Friday, October 8, 2010

Medieval Torture.

The Medieval Times was violent and blood thirsty time in history. That is why most of their contraptions were harsh and profound. they started off with the brutal hanging of a person or cutting off their head in broad daylight in front of the towns people. then they tried a more "humane" kind of killing, still in the public's view, was the guillotine. Way more efficient that a guard with an unsteady hand and a dull axe, and if they were too miss they just keep chopping.  They also burned people at the stake, and drowned them if they were accused of being a witch. no we just have a lethal injection that costs millions of dollars, so they die "peacefully".

Here are other types of torture devices:
 The Rack Torture - The rack is commonly referred as the most painful medieval torture of them all.
The Water Torture - There were many ways to punish a victim with the use of water. This article explains the most common forms of such torture.
The Rat Torture - Rats were used for torture. They were free, available and painful if known how to use.
Coffin Torture - The coffin torture - a very cruel medieval device where the victim was locked for hours or longer.
Exposure - A terrible torture that was often deadly. The exposure was a method used all around medieval Europe. The sentence depended on the crime.
if you click on the name of the torture device it will bring you to a picture:)


  1. Hey Melanie, you know I was going to do this one as well. I found it very interesting. I couldn’t believe it when I read it, that’s awful. I don’t understand why they had to put them through all that torture. Seems a little too harsh, ugh! You know what I don’t understand is why did they have to do it in front of the towns people, wasn’t their a thing called privacy. That must suck for the people that were drowned for really no reason, a witch come on. I think what we do today is much better even if its really expensive.

  2. great job i did this topic to and reading your helped me know more about the forms of torture. :]

  3. HOW HORRIBLE!!!! That would be such a scary period of time with all of those crazy death things. I would hate to be in the center of the town watching all of those people die in those kind of ways. I THink that it wold be so horrible to have to chop somebody elses head off and not know for sure if you are actually going to be able to kill them the first time. Do you think that those people who had to chop there heads off committed suicied a lot? I think so lol.. Well really good job and i love how you did the little pop up things, it showed me great visuals and it was knida scary=/
