Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wk12_English Renaissance 2


"If Botticelli were alive today, he'd be working for Vogue."
Peter Ustinov, English actor and writer

The dominant art forms of the English Renaissance were literature and music. Painters were experimenting with new techniques, both in the medium--the refinement of oil paints for example--and style, especially in the discovery of the principles of perspective. Their social status and role changed with the emergence of new patrons amongst the nobility and the rising merchant class. Artists learned from classical arts, they tried to perfect the greatest painters, even before their time. In literature and music, England saw an extraordinary power of genius during the Renaissance. but all of the great painters that were in england were imported from somewhere else all of the kings from Holbein under Henry VIII to Reubens and Van Dyck under Charles I. England was not really that good with visual arts but with writing and music they were unstoppable, and til this day in schools we study their amazing works of art, and make movies about them or their stories, poems or songs. We still bring them up occasionally, and they are syill so very famous.

There are many famous writers from england just as:

Chapman, George
Coverdale, Miles.
Tyndale, William.
Bacon, Sir Francis.
Lyly, John.
More, Sir Thomas.
Sidney, Sir Philip.  
Beaumont, Francis.
Dekker, Thomas
Fletcher, John
Ford, John
Heywood, Thomas
Jonson, Ben
Kyd, Thomas
Lyly, John
Marlowe, Christopher
Massinger, Philip
Middleton, Thomas
Shakespeare, William.
Webster, John. 
Daniel, Samuel 
Lodge, Thomas
Shakespeare, William
Sidney, Sir Philip
Skelton, John
Spenser, Edmund
Wyatt, Sir Thomas

1 comment:

  1. so i really wish that i had some sort of artistic side to me but i really dont. i think that it would be so cool to be able to pick up a paint brush and make a portrait or do an oil painting. thats crazy that all of the paintings were imported from other places and that they ere not from their own place. well at least england was good at music and not bad at everything lol. and there were not many famous writers and things i wonder why
