Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wk12_English Renaissance 3


The printing press:    Dr. Gutenburg was a goldsmith who first invented the printing press, when monks were copying a bunch of books by hand it would take them months and even years to get finished with one book. and that made books super expensive an rare.

Toilets: Sir John Harrington, godson to Queen Elizabeth, made the first flush toilet for himself and his godmother in 1596. He was teased by his friends and never made another one                 although he and Queen Elizabeth continued to use the one he made.Two hundred years later Alexander Cummings reinvented the flush toilet more commonly called the water closet. Cummings invented the strap. The strap was a sliding valve between the bowl and Water trap. Two years later in 1777 Samuel Prosser got  a patent for a plunger closet. A year later Joseph Bramah invented a valve at the bottom of the bowl that worked on a hinge.

Wallpaper: In 1496 the first paper mill was made in England. English artist soon make wallpaper decorated with hand painted designs, stencils, and wood-block prints. For the next 200 years England was a large producer of wallpaper for Europe. Before wallpaper was invented only the wealthy people could afforded to decorate the wall of their castles. They used woven tapestries. The tapestries kept the cold castle walls warmer. The designs woven into the tapestries told stories. The lower class hung cheaper painted cloth imitations for the walls of their homes. <-- where i got alot of this good stuff:)


  1. Wow allison, you picked three different subjects in one post. Good job, now I have to figure out what to say to all three of them. I personally like the bit on the toilets. Lol the guy got made fun of for not wanting to smell his own waste, I dont blame him, I'd want a flushing toilet too. Oh yeah, i have one :] And the part where the monks had to sit down and copy each book word for word, page for page, that it took them months even years to finish, they must have had a lot of time on their hands.

  2. so that it is pretty crasy that people had to hand write all of the books and that it ook them months to write one wonder why it was so rare and expensive to be able to read. hah the water closet? thats pretty funny. to bad his freinds made fun of him and i be tthey never knew that it was a way of life to have a flushing toliet inside of your house. that would suck to have to live in plain house your whole life. i would be upset if i couldnt even cover my walls becasue i did not have enough to buy it. but over all i think that your post was very imfomtive about the inventions that were created.

  3. It so funny how people back then would sit down and copy page per page just to make a book. But know this day people would not sit down and copy page per page because now they have a computer and they just type it on the computer. The toilet was something good that they invented because image if in today’s world we did not have a toilet how would or life be without a toilet in or house. Well you did a good job in your blogs and you had a lot of information about the invention the Renaissance did.
